Dry Irish Stout
General Information
Method: All Grain

5/21/10 - Pretty efficient brew day overall, despite lautering issues.  This was my first time trying out a larger 3/4" braid in my mash tun, and when the mash tun was nearing the end of the run off I think the grain bed was compacting and gumming up the braid.  I'm going to give this setup one more chance on 5/31 before I give up on it, due to the large amount of flaked barley and roasted barley that I ground in a coffee grinder, I think this is probably the stickiest mash I'll deal with. 

Overall it took me 5.5 hrs including clean up time, although I wasn't patient enough to chill down to pitching temps so I put the carboys in the chest freezer and woke up early to pitch the yeast.

I got more volume than 10 gallons but I'm not sure how much more, fortunately I still got some good efficiency and hit 1.044.


Scale This Recipe
Enter desired final yield (volume):  gallons
11.00 pounds 64.7% of grist
4.00 pounds 23.5% of grist
2.00 pounds 11.8% of grist
17.00 pounds Total Grain Weight 100% of grist
Miscellaneous Ingredients (Non-Fermentable)
1/2 tablet campden tablet in mash water (Mash)  
1 tsp Yeast Nutrient @ 15 minutes (Boil)  
1 tsp Irish Moss @ 15 minutes (Boil)  
1.00 ounces 13% Leaf @ 60 minutes
Type: Bittering
Use: Boil
13 AAUs
1.00 ounces 13% Pellets @ 30 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
13 AAUs
2.00 ounces Total Hop Weight 26 AAUs
Wyeast Wyeast #1084 Irish Ale Yeast — Liquid — 2 liter yeast starter

Mash Schedule

  • 120 for 15 minutes
  • 150° F for 60 minutes
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