Irish Draught Ale
General Information
Method: All Grain

5/31/10 - Didn't have enough Chocolate malt so I added some roasted barley and pale chocolate to substitute; I think I ended up with a darker color than I expected. 

The strike water lost 8 degrees in the mash tun (it was 80F outside) so I had to reheat the water. I mashed in right at 154 but lost almost 10 degrees over an hour. 

I used my pump for everything including lautering but I ran the pump very slowly in order to prevent a stuck mash.  Even with the restricted flow, both run-offs were about 15 mins each, which is much faster than a stuck mash.

I almost forgot to add the honey so I ended up adding it about 2 minutes into chilling. 

I left out a little bit of wort to test with the refractometer but I had left it out in the garage over lunch.  When I tested it I got a reading of 1.066 which is hard to believe.  I'll have to back calculate the OG by using the refractometer and a hydrometer when fermentation is complete.

Scale This Recipe
Enter desired final yield (volume):  gallons
13.00 pounds 85.8% of grist
0.25 pounds 1.7% of grist
0.50 pounds 3.3% of grist
0.50 pounds 3.3% of grist
0.45 pounds 3% of grist
0.20 pounds 1.3% of grist
0.25 pounds 1.7% of grist
15.15 pounds Total Grain Weight 100% of grist
2.00 pounds Honey  
1.85 ounces 7% Pellets @ 60 minutes
Type: Bittering
Use: Boil
13 AAUs
1.85 ounces Total Hop Weight 13 AAUs
Wyeast Wyeast #1084 Irish Ale Yeast — Liquid — 2 Liter Yeast Starter

Mash Schedule

  • 152° F for 60 minutes
  • 170° F for 10 minutes
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