Evil Twin
General Information
Method: All Grain

7/5/10 - First time recirculating the mash through my immersion chiller in the HLT as a HERMS system.  I was able to raise the mash 15 degrees in about 25-30 mins with a 30 degree differential in the HLT water.

This was also my first hop burst where all of the hop additions are added late in the boil (20 mins or later in this case).  I knew I needed to chill as fast as possible so I ended up using a bunch of ice (about 50 lbs!) but was able to chill to 68 in under an hour. 

I think I under pitched the yeast, I didn't get much growth out of the starter I made the week before, and my gravity was also about ten points higher than expected.

Scale This Recipe
Enter desired final yield (volume):  gallons
24.00 pounds 78.7% of grist
2.00 pounds 6.6% of grist
2.00 pounds 6.6% of grist
1.00 pounds 3.3% of grist
0.50 pounds 1.6% of grist
1.00 pounds 3.3% of grist
30.50 pounds Total Grain Weight 100% of grist
0.50 ounces 10% Pellets @ 20 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
5 AAUs
0.50 ounces 7% Pellets @ 20 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
3.5 AAUs
1.00 ounces 10% Pellets @ 10 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
10 AAUs
1.00 ounces 7% Pellets @ 10 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
7 AAUs
1.00 ounces 10% Pellets @ 0 minutes
Type: Aroma
Use: Boil
10 AAUs
1.00 ounces 7% Pellets @ 0 minutes
Type: Aroma
Use: Boil
7 AAUs
0.50 ounces 10% Pellets
Type: Aroma
Use: Dry Hop
5 AAUs
ounces 7% Pellets
Type: Aroma
Use: Dry Hop
3.5 AAUs
6.00 ounces Total Hop Weight 51 AAUs
 Wyeast 1450 — Liquid — 2 L Starter

Mash at 154

90 min. boil

Carbonate to 2 volumes

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