NB Phat Tyre
General Information
Method: All Grain

Made a 2L starter that was really active and later stepped it up to 3.5L about 5 days before the brew day. 

8/27/10 - Tried my hand at step mashing tonight, mashed in at 122 for a Protein rest, then raised the temp up to 152 for 60 mins.  The mash temp ramped up incredibly quickly only to stall at 140 for a while. 

Later for the mash out step I ran the burner in the HLT while recirulating and I the temps ramped up incredibly quickly.  I couldnt stop it in time and I got up to 174 before starting the run off.

Boiled for 75 minutes, since I didn't have enough volume for a 90 min boil but my gravity was on target. I forgot to add Irish Moss but the clarity was already pretty good.

Chilling was a huge success! I filled three large coolers full of ice from work and ended up using only two, but I pumped ice water through the chiller the whole time (no straight tap at all).  I ended up over chilling for the first time ever as well; the temp went from boiling to 55 in about 30 minutes. 

Oxygenated the wort which now was around 60 and pitched the starter into two carboys. 

9/7/10 - After fermenting for 4 days at 62, I increased the fermentation temp to 68 for a few more days.  I will drop the temp to 35-40 before racking to kegs. 

Scale This Recipe
Enter desired final yield (volume):  gallons
10.00 pounds 50% of grist
4.00 pounds 20% of grist
4.00 pounds 20% of grist
1.00 pounds 5% of grist
1.00 pounds 5% of grist
20.00 pounds Total Grain Weight 100% of grist
2.00 ounces 8% Pellets @ 60 minutes
Type: Bittering
Use: Boil
16 AAUs
2.00 ounces 4% Pellets @ 15 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
8 AAUs
4.00 ounces Total Hop Weight 24 AAUs
Wyeast Wyeast 1762 - Belgian Abbey II — Liquid — 3.5 L Starter

Protein Rest: 122 - 20 mins

Saccharification Rest: 152 - 60 mins

Mashout: 170 for 10 mins

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