Dark Mild
General Information
Method: All Grain

5-15-11 - First brew after a long break (due to remodeling). Pretty easy brew day, I mashed in just before church at 154 and returned two hours later and the mash had dropped to 145.  Even though the recipe I used was for 10 gallons, the relatively smaller amount of grains used bumped my efficiency up to 80% and I was able to collect 14.75 gallons at the proper pre-boil gravity.

Fermented at 68 degrees, and it was over in 3-4 days due to the low gravity.

I ended up fermenting the last 3.5 gallons in a corny keg, but I didnt provide a way for the pressure to vent properly so I may have stalled fermentation in the keg a little prematurely.  This was the first to go on tap, and it still tastes just fine.

I plan on serving this around 55 degrees, and possibly through the nitro tap to mimic a real ale cask.



Mash at 154

Primary: 4 days @ 68° F
Secondary: 2 days @ 72° F
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