Wild Westy 12
General Information
Method: All Grain

Adapted from this HBT thread:


Mash at 132 for 10 mins

Step up to 151 for 30 mins

Mash out at 159 for 30 mins

Didn't have Belgian Pale Malt so I used 1 lb of Belgian CaraPils to approximate the additional unfermentables the pale malt would have added. 

Recipe calls for 6 lbs of D2 syrup but I only had 2 lbs of D2 and 4 lbs of regular D syrup. 

Fermentation temp raised to 75 for a day, and up to 80 within 30 hours.  Airlocks were going crazy at 80 degrees and one of the carboys blew off.  

7/9/12 - Bottled half of the WW12 plus about .8 of the Quick Oud Bruin (85%/15%) in Belgian bottles - primed to 3 volumes (7 oz of dextrose) and re-yeasted with a small amount of Safale T-58. - Yielded 26 full 750 ml bottles. 

7/24/12 - Bottled remaining 5 gallons of WW12 unblended in Belgian bottles with primed to 3 volumes (6 oz dextrose) and re-yeasted with Safale T-58. Yielded 23 full 750ml bottles. 


Scale This Recipe
Enter desired final yield (volume):  gallons
30.00 pounds 96.8% of grist
1.00 pounds 3.2% of grist
31.00 pounds Total Grain Weight 100% of grist
6.00 pounds Belgian Candi Syrup - Dark  
1.50 ounces 8.6% Pellets @ 90 minutes
Type: Bittering
Use: Boil
12.9 AAUs
2.00 ounces 4.2% Pellets @ 20 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
8.4 AAUs
1.00 ounces 4.9% Pellets @ 20 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Boil
4.9 AAUs
4.50 ounces Total Hop Weight 26.2 AAUs
Wyeast Trappist High Gravity 3787 — Liquid — 2 gallon starter - decant
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