Tropical Brett IPA
General Information
Method: All Grain
Scale This Recipe
Enter desired final yield (volume):  gallons
12.00 pounds 64% of grist
4.00 pounds 21.3% of grist
2.00 pounds 10.7% of grist
0.75 pounds 4% of grist
18.75 pounds Total Grain Weight 100% of grist
0.40 ounces 16.9% Pellets @ 60 minutes
Type: Bittering
Use: Boil
6.8 AAUs
1.00 ounces 17.3% Pellets @ 0 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Aroma
17.3 AAUs
1.00 ounces 13.6% Pellets @ 0 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Aroma
13.6 AAUs
1.00 ounces 16.9% Pellets @ 0 minutes
Type: Bittering and Aroma
Use: Aroma
16.9 AAUs
2.00 ounces 13.% Pellets
Type: Aroma
Use: Aroma
26 AAUs
1.00 ounces 16.9% Pellets
Type: Aroma
Use: Aroma
16.9 AAUs
1.00 ounces 7% Pellets
Type: Aroma
Use: Aroma
7 AAUs
ounces 17.3% Pellets
Type: Aroma
Use: Aroma
34.6 AAUs
9.40 ounces Total Hop Weight 139.1 AAUs
 Split: WLP 648 & Imperial A24

Looking to make a session strength Tropical Fruit/Brett IPA


Mash @ 150 for 1 hour

60 min boil

Steep Flame out hops for 30 mins while cooling to 175

Steep whirlpool hops for an extra 30 mins from 165 to 120

Split batch:

- 4 gallons fermented w/ WLP648 Brett Brux Vrai (.5 gallon starter)

- 7 gallons fermented w/ Imperial A24 Dry Hop which contains the 'Trois' strain formerly misidentified as Brett but later determined to be Sach. (2 liter stirred starter)

Pitch both yeasts at 66 after direct O2 injection, let rise to 70. 

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